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April 16, 2018
Hello Creative One!
Have you heard of the chakras or the chakra system of the human body? Even though I have been learning about the chakras off and on for the past fifteen years, a little review is often helpful.
According to the dictionary, the chakras are “(in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body”. There are seven major chakras that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These seven chakras correlate with our development, as well as our current health and wellness.
Artistcellar so wisely has created a 6 x 6 inch and a pocket set of the Chakra Series Stencils. I love both sets, but today I am using the Chakra Series Pocket Stencils to work on an art journal page.
I am interested in journaling about the chakras, as the creative process of making art and writing down information helps me to remember.
Today, I am working solely on correlating the chakra symbols with their representative colors. They just so happen to be similar to rainbow colors, which is appealing to my eyes.
Once I put the seven circles on my journal page and painted them in with watercolor (see image at the top of this post), I then let them dry.
Next, I used the Chakra Series Pocket Stencils as both a reference from which to draw, and as a template to trace.
I love how the Artistcellar packaging has the stencils labeled for reference, too. That’s so helpful.
So, from the bottom up, we have:
3rdChakra-Solar Plexus-Yellow
6thChakra-Third Eye-Indigo
Next, I wanted to try out the new Neon Watercolor paints I got at Target, so I filled in a light wash around the chakras like so:
Finally, I filled in the other upward angles with a variety of Dye-Na-Flow, Distress Stain, and watercolor paint.
For now, my page is complete. I look forward to continuing my exploration into art journaling the chakras!
May your chakras be well aligned, free flowing, and balanced!
Blessings to you!
Briana of
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